The following is a list of North American colleges and universities that offer advanced degrees in entomology or entomology-related disciplines. They are listed in alphabetical order according to state. The Entomological Society of America does not evaluate university or college entomology programs. Please note that this is not an exhaustive list.
- Auburn University, Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology
- University of Alaska Fairbanks, Department of Biology and Wildlife
- University of Arizona, College of Agriculture, Department of Entomology, Tucson
- University of Arkansas, Dale Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food and Life Sciences, Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, Fayetteville
- University of California-Berkeley, College of Natural Resources
- University of California-Davis, Department of Entomology and Nematology
- University of California-Riverside, Department of Entomology
- Colorado State University, College of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Agricultural Biology, Fort Collins
- University of Connecticut, College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources, Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture, Storrs
- University of Delaware, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Department of Entomology and Wildlife Ecology, Newark
- Florida A&M University, College of Agriculture and Food Sciences, Department of Entomology, Tallahassee
- University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, Department of Entomology and Nematology, Gainesville
- Georgia Southern University, Department of Biology, Statesboro
- University of Georgia, College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Department of Entomology, Athens
- University of Hawaii at Manoa, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, Department of Plant and Environmental Protection Sciences, Honolulu
- University of Idaho, College of Agriculture, Department of Entomology, Plant Pathology and Nematology, Moscow
- University of Illinois, Department of Entomology, Urbana
- Purdue University, Department of Entomology, West Lafayette
- Iowa State University, College of Agriculture, Department of Entomology, Ames
- Kansas State University, College of Agriculture, Department of Entomology, Manhattan
- University of Kansas, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Lawrence
- University of Kentucky, College of Agriculture, Department of Entomology, Lexington
- Louisiana State University, College of Agriculture, Department of Entomology, Baton Rouge
- University of Maine; College of Natural Science, Forestry, and Agriculture; School of Biology and Ecology; Orono
- University of Maryland, College of Life Sciences, Department of Entomology, College Park
- University of Massachusetts, College of Natural Sciences, Amherst
- Michigan State University, Department of Entomology, East Lansing
- University of Minnesota, Department of Entomology, Saint Paul
- Mississippi State University, Department of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Entomology and Plant Pathology, Mississippi State
- University of Missouri, College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, Department of Entomology, Columbia
- Montana State University, College of Agriculture, Bozeman
- University of Nebraska, Department of Entomology, Lincoln
New Jersey
- Rutgers University, Cook College, Department of Entomology, New Brunswick
New Mexico
- New Mexico State University, College of Agriculture and Home Economics, Department of Entomology, Plant Pathology, and Weed Science, Las Cruces
New York
- Cornell University, Department of Entomology, Ithaca
- State University of New York, College of Environmental Science and Forestry, Syracuse
North Carolina
- North Carolina State University, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, Raleigh
North Dakota
- North Dakota State University, School of Natural Resource Sciences, Department of Entomology, Fargo
- Ohio State University, Department of Entomology, Columbus
- Oklahoma State University, College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, Stillwater
- Oregon State University, Entomology Graduate Program, Corvallis
- Pennsylvania State University, College of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Entomology, University Park
Rhode Island
- University of Rhode Island, Department of Plant Sciences and Entomology, Kingston
South Carolina
- Clemson University, Department of Entomology, Clemson
South Dakota
- South Dakota State University, College of Agriculture and Biological Sciences, Department of Agronomy, Horticulture and Plant Science, Brookings
- University of Tennessee, Institute of Agriculture, Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, Knoxville
- Texas A&M University, Department of Entomology, College Station
- Texas Tech University, Department of Plant and Soil Science, Lubbock
- Brigham Young University, College of Life Sciences, Plant and Wildlife Sciences, Provo
- Utah State University, Department of Biology, Logan
- University of Vermont, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Department of Plant and Soil Science, Burlington
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Department of Entomology, Blacksburg
- Washington State University, Department of Entomology, Pullman
West Virginia
- West Virginia University; Davis College of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Design; Morgantown
- University of Wisconsin, Department of Entomology, Madison
- University of Wyoming, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Laramie
- McGill University; Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Science; Department of Natural Resource Sciences; Sainte-Anne de Bellevue, Quebec
- Simon Fraser University; Department of Biological Sciences; Burnaby, British Columbia
- University of Alberta; College of Agricultural, Life, Environmental Sciences, Edmonton, Alberta
- University of British Columbia; Department of Zoology; Vancouver, British Columbia
- University of Guelph; College of Biological Science; Guelph, Ontario
- University of Manitoba; Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences; Department of Entomology; Winnipeg, Manitoba
- University of Saskatchewan; Department of Biology; Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
- University of Toronto; Ramsay Wright Zoological Laboratories; Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology; Toronto, Ontario
- University of Western Ontario; Faculty of Science; Department of Biology; London, Ontario
Puerto Rico
- University of Puerto Rico, College of Agricultural Sciences, Mayaguez