L.O. Howard Distinguished Achievement Award
2015 Ann Hajek; Reboboth
2014 Richard Casagrande; Williamsburg
2013 Charles Vincent; Lancaster
2012 Randy Gaugler; Hartford
2011 Anthony Shelton; Harrisburg
2010 Galen P. Dively; Annapolis
2009 Larry A. Hull; Harrisburg
2008 Thomas Henry; Syracuse
2007 David Pimentel; Harrisburg
2006 Karl Maramorosch; Charlottesville
2005 Ronald John Prokopy; Harrisburg
2004 Loke-Tuck Kok; New Haven
2003 Ronald M. Wesloh; Harrisburg
2002 Douglass R. Miller; Ocean City
2001 Michael Kosztarab; Harrisburg
2000 E. Alan Cameron; Springfield
1999 Arthur A. Hower; Virginia Beach
1998 John D. Edman; Cherry Hill
1997 Robert R. Granados; Burlington
1996 Alfred G. Wheeler, Jr.; Williamsburg
1995 Jeremy J. McNeil; Harrisburg
1994 Donald G. Cochran; Newport
1993 Allen L. Steinhauer; Williamsburg
1991 Ashok K. Raina; Richmond
1990 no award presented; Baltimore
1989 Donald W. Roberts; Providence
1988 Ke Chung Kim; Syracuse
1987 Robert Hale Nelson; Atlantic City
1986 James A. Slater; Philadelphia
1985 E.O. Wilson; Williamsburg
1984 Andrew J. Forgash; Hershey
1983 John B. Simeone; Providence
1982 James B. Kring; Hartford
1981 Curtis W. Sabrosky; Syracuse
1980 Edward H. Smith; Baltimore
1979 Frank L. Campbell; Hershey
1978 Carl F.W. Muesebeck; New York City
1977 Edward Hadley Glass; Boston
1976 Charles P. Alexander; Washington D. C.
1975 James McDonald Grayson; Philadelphia
1974 Richard N. Hofmaster; Hershey
1973 John B. Schmitt; New York City
1972 J. Peter Johnson; Atlantic City
1971 George S. Langford; Philadelphia
1970 Byrley F. Driggers; Washington D. C.
1969 Louise M. Russell; New York City
1968 Philip Garman; Philadelphia
1967 Neely Turner; Baltimore
1966 Floyd F. Smith; New York City
1965 Paul J. Chapman; Philadelphia
1964 Robert Glen; Baltimore
1963 Frederick W. Poos; New York City
Eastern Branch Herbert T. Streu Meritorious Service Award
2015 Chris Bergh; Rehoboth
2014 George Hamilton; Williamsburg
2013 no award presented; Lancaster
2012 Daniel Gilrein; Hartford
2011 Roger Youngman; Harrisburg
2010 Faith B. Kuehn; Annapolis
2009 Eric R. Day; Harrisburg
2008 Jim Steffel; Syracuse
2007 James F. Stimmel; Harrisburg
2006 no award presented; Charlottesville
2005 Susan Whitney King; Harrisburg
2004 Douglas G. Pfeiffer; New Haven
2003 William F. Gimpel; Harrisburg
2000 Kathleen S. Shields; Springfield
1997 Gerald L. Jubb, Jr.; Burlington
1996 E. Alan Cameron; Williamsburg
1995 Thomas M. O'Dell; Harrisburg
1994 Karl R. Valley and Alfred G. Wheeler, Jr.; Newport
1993 Karen I. Hauschild; John W. Neal, Jr; Roger H. Ratcliffe; Williamsburg
1991 William A. Allen; Richmond
Eastern Branch Outstanding Graduate Student Award
1982 Bernard D. Roiberg
1981 Boris C. Kondratieff
1980 Harold G. Fowler
1979 Michael P. Parrella
1978 Mark E. Whalen
1977 Robert D. Hall
1975 Richard E. Miller
John H. Comstock Graduate Student Award
2015 Mia Park
2014 Eric Bohenblust
2013 Elina Lastro Nino
2012 Sarah Jandricic
2011 Akito Kawahara
2010 Gaylord A. Desurmont
2009 Scott Geib
2008 Jessica Ware
2007 Andrew E. Z. Short
2006 Torsten Dikow
2005 Jaime C. Piñero
2004 Deborah L. Finke
2003 Andrea F. Huberty
2002 Gabriella Zilahi-Balogh
2001 Tracy Leskey
2000 Naomi C. Lovallo
1999 Kipling W. Will
1998 Lynn Cooper
1997 Leslie A. Pray
1996 E. Rolando Lopez-Guitierrez
1995 Shirley Luckhart
1994 Mark R. Hardin
1993 Donald C. Weber
1992 Jorge Hendrichs
1991 Moshe Coll
1989 Jae C. Choe
1988 Susan B. Opp
1987 Robert D. Collins
1986 Ralph E. Charlton
1985 Kenneth A. Pivnick
1984 Daniel Quiring
1983 Peter H. Adler
Eastern Branch Master of Science Student Award
1978 Harold G. Fowler
1977 John T. Trumble
Asa Fitch Memorial Award
2015 Molly Stedfast
2014 Anne Jones
2013 Elaine Fok
2012 Maggie Douglas
2011 Erik Smith
2010 Eric Bohnenblust
2009 no award presented
2008 Akito Kawahara
2007 Wilma V. Aponte-Cordero
2006 Alongkot Ponlawat
2005 Benjamin P. Werling
2004 Keith E. Colpetzer
2003 Nicolas H. Ellis
2002 Ashley B. Lamb
2000 Deborah L. Finke
1999 Andrea F. Huberty
1998 Robert W. Lewis-Skidmore
1996 Leslie Allee
1995 Brett D. Marshall
1994 Marc A. Pacchioli
1993 Suzanne M. Lyon
1991 Colleen Cannon
1989 Brian M. Weigmann
1988 James E. Corrigan
1987 Yves Carriere
1986 Thomas A. Green
1985 Raymond J. Layton
1984 Allen L. Norrbom
1983 Cynthia R. Loerch
1982 Shelby J. Fleischer
1981 Mark F. O'Brien
1980 Frederick L. Petitt
1979 Kenneth R. Simmons
Eastern Branch Outstanding Nominee for ESA Distinguished Achievement Award in Extension
2015 Cerruti Hooks
2014 John Losey
2013 Roger Youngman
2012 Donald Rutz
2011 Shelby Fleischer
2010 Douglas G. Pfeiffer
2009 Dini Miller
2008 Michael J. Raupp
2005 Rod Youngman
2002 Arthur Agnello
2001 Henry W. Hogmire
2000 Dennis Calvin
1999 Susan P. Whitney
1997 James P. Tette
1996 James F. Dill
1995 D. Ames Herbert, Jr.
1994 Ronald J. Prokopy
1993 Galen P. Dively
1992 James P. Tette
1991 John M. Luna
1989 David N. Ferro
1988 William H. Robinson
1987 Ronald J. Prokopy
1986 Michael J. Raupp
1985 John A. Davidson
1984 Robert M. McPherson
1983 Robert L. Horsburgh
1981 William A. Allen
1980 Roger A. Morse
ESA Distinguished Achievement Award in Regulatory Entomology
2006 James F. Stimmel
2002 James F. Stimmel
2001 Rayanne D. Lehman
2000 James Linduska
1999 Rayanne D. Lehman
1997 John Richard Gorham
1995 Don A. Rutz
1994 E. Richard Hoebeke
1989 Thomas J. Henry
1993 William F. Gimpel, Jr.
1992 Rogert W. Clegern
1991 William Metterhouse
1988 Thomas J. Henry
1987 Sueo Nakahara
1986 Alfred G. Wheeler
1982 Alfred G. Wheeler
1981 Alfred G. Wheeler
1980 W.H. Matheny
Eastern Branch Outstanding Nominee for ESA Distinguished Achievement Award in Teaching
2015 Jeffrey Shultz
2014 Carlyle Brester
2013 Laura Harrington
2012 Laura Harrington
2011 Michael Saunders
2010 James Liebherr
2009 William Lamp
2008 Linda S. Rayor
2005 Michael Saunders
2004 Patricia J. Vittum
2003 Cole Gilbert
2001 Timothy P. Mack
2000 Roger LeBrun
1999 Eleanor Groden
1998 Dewey M. Caron
1997 Wayne J. Crans
1995 J. Lee Hellman
1994 Richard D. Fell
1993 J. Lee Hellman
1992 T. Michael Peters
1991 J. Reese Voshell, Jr.
1987 John D. Edman
1986 George C. Eickwort
1985 Jeremy N. McNeil
1984 Donald E. Mullins
1983 David J. Shetlar
1981 George G. Gyrisco
1980 Michael Kosztarab
ESA Recognition Award in Entomology (sponsored by Sygenta Crop Protection)
2005 Anthony M. Shelton
2003 Randy R. Gaugler
2001 Galen P. Dively
2000 Catherine Tauber and Maurice Tauber
ESA Recognition Award in Entomology (sponsored by Ciba-Geigy Corp.)
1998 Roy Van Driesche
1997 J. Alan Renwick
1996 Richard A. Dybas
1995 Robert R. Granados
1994 Donald E. Mullins
1993 Pedro Barbosa
1992 Julius J. Menn
1991 Julius J. Menn
1989 Larry A. Hull
1988 Loke T. Kok
1987 Larry A. Hull
1986 Donald W. Roberts
1985 Donald W. Roberts
1984 Loke T. Kok
1983 Robert L. Pienkowski
1982 Sidney L. Poe
1981 Loke-Tuck Kok and Elton W. Herbert
1980 Loke-Tuck Kok
J.E. Bussart Memorial Award
1993 Ashok K. Raina
1992 William S. Yendol
1989 T. P. McGovern
1988 Donald G. Cochran
1987 Pedro Barbosa
1986 Pedro Barbosa
1984 E. Craig Turner, Jr.
Velsicol-J.E. Bussart Memorial Award
1983 Loke T. Kok
1982 Ronald J. Prokopy
1981 Barbara Leonhardt
1980 William S. Bowers
Award for Excellence in Integrated Pest Management (sponsored by Sandoz Agro, Inc)
1998 Randy R. Gaugler
1997 Larry A. Hull
Sandoz Award for Excellence in Pest Management
1996 Robert F. Denno
1995 Anthony M. Shelton
1994 David N. Ferro
Entomological Foundation Award for Excellence in Integrated Pest Management (sponsored by Syngenta Crop Protection)
2015 Charles Vincent
2014 Tracy Leskey
2013 Elson Shields
2012 Jennifer Grant
2011 Edward Rajotte
2008 Scott Salom
2007 Larry A. Hull
2006 Michael Hoffmann
2002 D. Ames Herbert, Jr .
2001 Alexi Sharov
2000 Richard Casagrande
1999 Joe Elkinton
ESA Distinguished Achievement Award in Urban Entomology
2001 Patricia J. Vittum
1996 Michael G. Villani
1995 Barbara L. Thorne
1994 Barbara L. Thorne
1993 Albert Greene
1992 Michael J. Raupp
1991 Donald G. Cochran
Entomological Foundation Recognition Award in Urban Entomology (sponsored by S. C. Johnson & Sons)
2004 Paula M. Shrewsbury
ESA Recognition Award in Insect Physiology, Biochemistry, and Toxicology (sponsored by Bayer CropScience)
2006 no award presented; Charlottesville
ESA Distinguished Achievement Award in Insect Physiology, Biochemistry, and Toxicology
2001 David M. Soderland
1998 John Marshall Clark