Dr. Jessica L. Ware received her BSc from UBC in 2001. She received her PhD in Entomology from Rutgers in New Brunswick, NJ, in 2008, where she focused on the evolution of Dictyoptera and Odonata under Dr. Michael L. May. She then had an NSF Postdoctoral fellowship on termite evolution, which she undertook at the American Museum of Natural History with Dr. David Grimaldi from 2008-2010. She began her current position in the Department of Biological Sciences at Rutgers University in Newark, NJ in September 2010; she received tenure in 2016. She served as the president of the SysEB section, and is the current secretary of the World Dragonfly Association. She is the SysEB rep for Journal of Insect Science. She currently serves on the board for the Society of Systematic Biology and International Journal of Odonatology and is a subject editor for Organisms Diversity and Evolution, Insect Systematics and Diversity, Systematic Entomology, Odonatologica, and Nature Scientific Reports.