Journalist Resources

image of cover of Media guide, with ESA logo and "Media Guide 2024" in large black lettering, all with a thin black border

Primary Media Contact

Joe Rominiecki
Senior Manager of Communications
Entomological Society of America
Phone: +1 301-731-4535 ext. 3009
Direct Dial: +1 240-696-3748

About Entomology and ESA

Read the latest news and announcements from ESA.

Download the ESA Media Guide 2024 [PDF] (Most recent update: February 7, 2024)

Download and share ESA's infographic "What Can an Entomologist Do for You?" [PDF]

Stay tuned to the latest news and research in entomology at ESA's blog Entomology Today.

Follow ESA on Twitter and Facebook.

Expert Sources

Need an insect expert to interview? ESA has member entomologists ready and eager to speak with the media on any of the following topics. (Don't see what you need here? Just ask!)

ants entomology science policy invasive species
applied ecology flies mites
bed bugs forest entomology mosquitoes
beetles garden/greenhouse pest management pesticides
biodiversity general medical entomology plant-insect interactions
biological control general urban pest control pollinators
brown marmorated stink bug genetic engineering (insects) praying mantids
bumble bees grasshoppers and katydids public outreach
butterflies and moths honey bees spotted wing drosophila
cicadas insect ecology stored product pests
cockroaches insect pathology termites
collections insect-inspired tech (biomimicry) ticks
delusory parasitosis insects as food and feed urban entomology
emerald ash borer integrated pest management veterinary entomology

Contact ESA Senior Manager of Communications Joe Rominiecki at 301-731-4535 ext. 3009 or Please provide as much detail as possible regarding your inquiry, and we'll connect you with an entomologist with corresponding expertise.

Attend ESA Conferences

Journalists interested in attending an ESA Annual Meeting should contact ESA Senior Manager of Communications Joe Rominiecki at 301-731-4535 ext. 3009 or For more info, see ESA Annual Meeting Media Policies.

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