Entomology Contacts

ESA does not have the resources to answer public inquiries. However, the Society can provide limited assistance to the media, law enforcement agencies, law firms, and pest control companies who are seeking expert information on entomological topics. Contact Joe Rominiecki, Manager of Communications, 301-731-4535, ext. 3009 or jrominiecki@entsoc.org. Please provide as much detail as possible regarding the information you are seeking. For example, a request for contact information for an entomologist in the Washington, DC, area, who is knowledgeable about "bugs" is too vague for ESA to accurately respond. Providing details on the type of insect and the problem or situation in which the insects are placed ensures that you will receive a more helpful response from the Society. 


Reporters may attend ESA's Annual Meeting. For those with proper credentials, the registration fee is waived. Also, each year, the complete meeting program is available online for free via the above link.

Additional story leads can be found in ESA's  journals and our magazine, American Entomologist. ESA's journals include Annals of the Entomological Society of America, Environmental Entomology, Journal of Economic Entomology, and Journal of Medical Entomology. ESA also produces press releases on the Society's products and services, and previously-produced position papers on a variety of entomological subjects. 

Law Enforcement and Law Firms

Please contact the ESA Communications department, 301-731-4535, ext. 3009, pubs@entsoc.org. E-mail is the preferred method of correspondence. Please provide as much detail as possible regarding the information you are seeking. 

Pest Control Companies

If you have a contract that requires a certified entomologist, ESA offers Certified Entomologist programs. For information on certification, including rosters of certified entomologists, please click here.