ESA Committees conduct important business functions for the Society. Three committees—Finance, Audit, and Ethics and Rules—are defined as Standing Committees in the ESA Bylaws, while all other committees are established by policy of the ESA Governing Board and outlined in the Society Policy Manual. Unless otherwise indicated, members of Committees serve for terms of three years each. Terms commence at the close of the Annual Meeting of the Society and are arranged so that approximately one-third will expire each year.
Committee volunteer submissions are now open, April 2 - May 30, 2024!
Current committee rosters are available for active ESA members to view:
Committee on Annual Meeting Program
The Committee on Annual Meeting Program consists of the President of each Section and/or designate(s) and three Committee officers: a vice-chair, a chair, and a past chair. The vice-chair shall be appointed by the Vice President of the Society and shall serve in succeeding years as chair and past chair. The purpose of this Committee shall be to meet the goals of the Annual Meeting, in part by arranging the program.
Committee on Audit
The Committee on Audit shall consist of the Vice President-Elect of the Society, who shall serve as chair, and two additional members appointed by the President. The purpose of this committee shall be to engage a certified public accountant to conduct an audit, review the professional audit of fiscal operations of the Society, provide an internal audit, and ensure compliance of the Society and all entities to legal and fiduciary obligations. The Committee shall prepare an annual report and advise the Governing Board on matters of compliance.
Committee on Awards and Honors
The purpose of this Committee is to oversee the awards program of the Society and to facilitate recognition of outstanding achievement in entomology. The Committee on Awards and Honors consists of a representative from each Section and each Branch.
Committee on Awards & Honors Canvassing
The Committee on Awards and Honors Canvassing consists of six At-Large members and three members representing the Diversity and Inclusion Committee, the Early Career Professional Committee, and the Student Affairs Committee. The purpose of this committee is to be a champion for all honors and awards of the Society. The committee will encourage the nomination and recognition of diverse candidates to reflect the full scope and breadth of the membership within the discipline.
Committee on the Common Names of Insects
The Committee on Common Names of Insects consists of nine At-Large members. The purpose of the Committee is to review proposals for common names and recommend names to be used in publications of the Society for approval by the Governing Board.
Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DE&I)
The Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DE&I) is open to any member. ESA’s Strategic Principles state, “ESA has a social responsibility to develop all of its members.” ESA’s Outcome Statement includes: “To increase the diversity and satisfaction of members and customers as well as the value provided to them.” To determine how ESA can best meet these principles and outcome statements and to support diversity, equity and inclusion within ESA and within the science, ESA’s Governing Board established a Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DE&I) in July 2015. The Committee will propose resources, programs, and services that will maximize DE&I support among ESA members and increase the cultural competency of ESA members. The committee includes a representative from each Section and each Branch. Members of this committee serve terms of two years. View the committee’s recent initiatives and activity as well as the statement of purpose and volunteer description.
Committee on Early Career Professionals
The Committee on Early Career Professionals consists of a representative from each Section and each Branch and was created to conceive and execute any specific needs that are not being met through other measures. The Committee is the vehicle for recognizing the perspectives of and experiences of the Student Transition and Early Professional population and helps develop our next generation of ESA leaders. Read the Committee on Early Career Professionals’ Statement of Purpose and Volunteer Description.
Committee on Education and Outreach
The Committee on Education and Outreach consists of one representative from each Section and Branch. The President appoints one student member liaison to the Committee. The purpose of this Committee is to provide leadership and guidance to the Society in entomological education and outreach.
Committee on Entomology Games
The Committee on Entomology Games is charged with the oversight of the Entomology Games each year at both the Branch and National levels. They seek to create and enforce consistent rules with fair and inclusive practices. The committee includes a representative from each Branch and Section, the national and Branch Gamesmasters, and a Governing Board liaison.
Committee on Ethics and Rules
The Committee on Ethics and Rules shall consist of five at-large members of the Society, who shall serve terms of five years each. The purpose of this Committee shall be to maintain currency and consistency in the governing documents of the Society and to encourage and facilitate educational efforts devoted to ethical issues in entomology and related natural sciences. At the request of the Governing Board, the committee shall review and recommend changes in various governing documents and make recommendations about ethical issues that might place the integrity of the Society at risk.
Committee on Finance
The Committee on Finance shall consist of the Treasurer of the Society, who shall serve as chair, and five additional members including two members of the Governing Board. The purpose of this committee shall be to ensure fiscal responsibility and soundness of the Society. The Committee shall advise the Governing Board on matters pertaining to fiscal management of the affairs of the Society, recommend a proposed budget for the following year, and provide other assistance and consultation on fiscal matters to the Governing Board.
Committee on the Insect Calendar
The Committee on the Insect Calendar consists of seven at-large members. The purpose of the Committee is to gather, evaluate, and select photos for the annual ESA World of Insects Calendar.
Committee on Leadership Development
The Committee on Leadership Development consists of three At-Large members and three members representing the Diversity and Inclusion Committee, the Early Career Professional Committee, and the Student Affairs Committee. The purpose of this committee is to encourage and develop current and future leaders for Societywide service through programming, outreach, and mentoring. The committee will support the development of diverse candidates for office who have the skills, knowledge, and networks for service at a variety of Societal levels.
Committee on Science Policy
In keeping with ESA's strategic principles to increase our profession's full potential by increasing the Society's influence, the Governing Board formed the Science Policy Committee. With the immediate past president of ESA serving as Chair, the committee works closely with the Governing Board and ESA's advocacy firm in Washington, DC, to set the Society's public policy agenda. The committee includes a representative from each Section, each Branch, the past Chair, and two At Large members, one of whom also serves as the SME to the EPA-OPP. Read the Committee on Science Policy’s Statement of Purpose and Volunteer Description.
Committee on Student Affairs
The Committee on Student Affairs consists of one representative from each Section and Branch, who are Student Members at the time of election to the Committee. Members of this committee shall serve terms of two years. The purpose of this Committee is to stimulate interest in student participation in the Society and to advise the Governing Board on matters of interest to Student Members. Read the Committee on Student Affairs’ Statement of Purpose and Volunteer Description.
Publications Council
The Publications Council advises the Governing Board about the publication needs and policies of the Society; facilitates communication among the Governing Board, editorial boards, and Sections; and recommends editorial policy for the Society. Learn more about the ESA Publications Council and Editorial Boards.