Our Place in Democracy: A Letter from the ESA President

January 7, 2021

To ESA members and the entomology profession at large:

On behalf of the Governing Board of the Entomological Society of America, today I echo the chorus of shock and condemnation at yesterday’s violent assault on our nation’s democratic institutions. It is a heartbreaking day for the United States of America.

As a scientific society, ESA cannot pursue its mission to improve the world through scientific progress when ongoing crises in American leadership create constant turmoil that hinders our members from doing their work or simply living their lives. The orderly and peaceful transition of power must be carried forward so that we can get our country back to work solving the critical problems we face.

To my fellow ESA members, I promise that we will continue to work on your behalf to build and protect a professional environment in which insect and arthropod science can thrive. We look forward to working with the incoming Congress and White House administration to enact policies that will support entomological research and to advance its critical role in important public policy decisions.

And we will redouble our efforts to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion within ESA and the entomological profession. I am sure that many of our members viewed yesterday’s events as a troubling reminder of inequity in American institutions. Please know that ESA will strive, within its own walls, to model the change we hope to see in the world beyond.

Whether you are a student or a department head, an extension professional or an industry researcher, we are all entomologists, and I encourage you to reach out to your colleagues today and in the future to check in, connect, and support each other. May we find strength in our community of scientists pursuing a common goal, together.

Michelle S. Smith, BCE
President, Entomological Society of America
Email: president@entsoc.org