Announcements and Press Releases

Smith Chosen as Next Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Integrated Pest Management

Annapolis, MD; November 20, 2024—Hugh A. Smith, Ph.D., vegetable entomologist at the University of Florida Gulf Coast Research and Education Center, has been selected as the next editor-in-chief of the Journal of Integrated Pest Management. He will succeed Eric Rebek, Ph.D., who will depart from the journal's top editor position at the end of 2024.

Andrew Short Elected as Next Vice President-Elect of Entomological Society of America

Annapolis, MD; August 29, 2024—Andrew Short, Ph.D., professor and chair of the Entomology and Nematology Department at the University of Florida, has been elected by members of the Entomological Society of America as the organization's next Vice President-Elect. ESA members also elected five other entomologists to begin or continue positions on the ESA Governing Board.

ESA Names 2024 Professional and Student Award Honorees

Annapolis, MD; August 7, 2024—The Entomological Society of America congratulates the recipients of its 2024 awards. ESA Awards & Honors recognize scientists, educators, and students who have distinguished themselves through their contributions to entomology. Award honorees will be showcased during Entomology 2024, November 10-13, in Phoenix, Arizona.

Four Entomologists Honored as 2024 Fellows of the Entomological Society of America

Annapolis, MD; July 24, 2024—The Governing Board of the Entomological Society of America (ESA) has elected four new Fellows of the Society for 2024. Election as a Fellow of ESA acknowledges outstanding contributions to entomology via research, teaching, extension, administration, military service, or public engagement and science policy.

Lars Chittka Chosen to Present 2024 ESA Founders' Memorial Lecture

Annapolis, MD; June 4, 2024—Lars Chittka, Ph.D., professor of sensory and behavioural ecology at Queen Mary University of London, has been selected to deliver the Founders' Memorial Award Lecture at Entomology 2024, the Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America. Chittka's lecture will recount the pioneering accomplishments of Charles Henry Turner, Ph.D. (1867-1923), a Black entomologist whose discoveries on insect sensory systems, learning, personality, and intelligence were a century ahead of their time.

Rondon Selected as ESA Books Editor-in-Chief

Annapolis, MD; January 24, 2024—Silvia I. Rondon, Ph.D., professor, extension entomology specialist, and director of the Oregon Integrated Pest Management Center at Oregon State University, has been selected as the new editor-in-chief of the Entomological Society of America's book-publishing program.

Cook Named Editor-in-Chief of Arthropod Management Tests

Annapolis, MD; October 4, 2023—Don Cook, Ph.D., entomologist at Mississippi State University, has been chosen to serve as the next editor-in-chief of the journal Arthropod Management Tests, published by the Entomological Society of America. The ESA Governing Board approved Cook's selection in September after an open search. He will succeed Eric Natwick, BCE, who will depart from the role of editor-in-chief at the end of 2023 after more than nine years of service.