On Women’s Pursuit of Science: A Letter From the ESA Presidential Line

June 28, 2022

To ESA members and the entomology profession at large:

We recognize that healthcare choices are highly personal decisions, and we acknowledge that ESA members are diverse in our beliefs. As the leaders of the Entomological Society of America, we object to and are saddened by the decision by the Supreme Court of the United States to overturn constitutional protection of a woman's right to control her own healthcare. This decision disproportionately impacts women in rural areas and women of color, endangers women's lives, and creates barriers for countless women working to fulfill their potential, including pursuing valuable careers in science. We pledge to continue working to empower and support women in science.

Jessica L. Ware, Ph.D., President
Marianne Alleyne, Ph.D., Vice President
Jennifer Henke, Vice President-Elect
Michelle S. Smith, BCE, Past President
Entomological Society of America