FAQ for Branch/Section Awards

Each year each ESA Branch/Section recognizes the scientists, educators, and students who have distinguished themselves through their contributions to entomology in their Branches through their awards and honors.

Below are questions which will assist Branch/Section leaders with the awards offered by ESA and the Foundation.

Branch Leader Resources

As you embark on your leadership year, ESA Headquarters has compiled this evolving resource center. This will familiarize you with the resources available to you from ESA Headquarters to make your leadership year effective, efficient and enjoyable. Acquaint yourself with the contents and refer back to them throughout your administration.

Southwestern Branch Awards

Southwestern Branch Awards Nominations will be open October 10, 2024 through December 13, 2024

Select an award below for additional information on nomination requirements, deadlines, and submission process. For questions on the Southwestern Branch Awards, please contact the chair of the SWB Awards and Honors Committee, Sonja Swiger.

Program Committee, ESA Eastern Branch

Program Committee, ESA Eastern Branch

1. The Eastern Branch Program Chair is usually appointed by the President-Elect very shortly after his/her election about two years before the meeting takes place. The newly appointed Program Chair thus serves as a member of the current year's Program Committee to observe and participate in program development. The current year's Program Chair should involve the newly appointed Program Chair in all aspects of program development.

Nominations Committee, ESA Eastern Branch

Nominations Committee, ESA Eastern Branch

The Nominations Committee must provide names of at least two nominees for the office of President-Elect and elected member of the Nominations Committee annually, and Secretary (1994, 1997, 2000 ...), Representative on the Governing Board (1994, 1997, 2000 ...), and Executive Committee Member-at-Large (1992, 1995, 1999 ...), and Treasurer (1993, 1996, 1999 ...).

Local Arrangements Committee, ESA Eastern Branch

Local Arrangements Committee, ESA Eastern Branch


1. Work with members of the Eastern Branch Executive, standing, and Ad hoc Committees to ensure that the Annual Meeting is well planned and runs smoothly. Work most closely with the Secretary, Treasurer, and Chairs of the Program Committee and the Registration and Hospitality Committees.