Frequently Asked Questions for Submissions

Entomology 2024 will feature only live, in-person sessions and content. Virtual or pre-recorded presentation options will not be available. Learn more about general information regarding paper and poster submissions, presenter guidelines, and more.

Additional Resources & Information for Entomology 2024

What are the submission categories for Entomology 2024? And what is the difference between them?

View the complete list of submission categories for Entomology 2024, along with their descriptions.

If I'm a student and want to present at Entomology 2024, do I have to participate in the student competition?

No. Students have the option to submit to the student competition or a non-competition student only session.

After you login to the Entomology 2024 submission portal select "Click here to begin a new submission." After you enter your presentation title, select your preferred student program (i.e. Student 10-minute Presentation or  Student Poster) from the dropdown list.

You will be asked whether you want to participate in the student competition or in a non-competition student session. Simply select that you want to participate in a non-competition student session.

If you have already submitted your presentation but are unsure whether you submitted to the correct category, please refer to your submission confirmation email or select "Preview Submission" in your submission portal. Both items will state the name of the program to which you submitted. If you did not submit to the non-competition student session but intended to, please email by May 31, 2024 to have your submission moved to the appropriate category. 

NOTE: All student competition submissions must be received by May 31. After that date, students cannot switch from non-competition sessions to the competition sessions.

How do I know if I am submitting to the student competition?

After you login to the Entomology 2024 submission portal select "Click here to begin a new submission." After you enter your presentation title, select your preferred student program (i.e. Student 10-minute Presentation or Student Poster) from the dropdown list.

You will be asked whether you want to participate in the student competition or in a non-competition student session. Simply select that you want to participate in the student competition.

If you have already submitted your presentation but are unsure whether you submitted to the correct category, please refer to your submission confirmation email or select "Preview Submission" in your submission portal. Both items will state the name of the program to which you submitted. If you did not submit to the student competition but intended to, please email by May 31, 2024 to have your submission moved to the appropriate category. 

Note: All student competition submissions must be received by May 31. After that date, students cannot switch from non-competition sessions to the competition sessions.

Is there a limit on the number of submissions to the Student Competition taking place at Entomology 2024?

Yes. While students may submit one oral presentation and one poster display to the program, they may only enter one presentation to the student competition.

I am unable to travel to the Entomology 2024 in Phoenix. Is there an option to present virtually?

No. Entomology 2024 will feature only live, in-person sessions and presentations. Virtual or pre-recorded presentation options will not be available.

If I plan to present in-person, but am unable to travel later, will I have the option to present virtually?

No. Entomology 2024 will feature only live, in-person sessions and presentations. Virtual or pre-recorded presentation options will not be available.

Is there a fee to submit to Entomology 2024?

No. Submitters are not required to pay a submission fee. However, all presenters will be required to register for the meeting regardless of presentation type. View registration rates.

Is there a limit on the number of presentations speakers may make at Entomology 2024?

Yes. Entomology 2024 presenters are limited to one oral presentation and one poster display presentation. This includes contributed, student competition, and invited presentations part of symposia.

Participants in Organized Meetings and Workshops are allowed an additional presentation. Additionally, participants in symposia focused on science policy, DEI, and other non-scientific topics are allowed an additional oral presentation at the discretion and approval of the Program Chairs.

If I have been invited to present in a symposium or Organized Meeting, do I still need to submit my presentation and abstract online?

No. If you have been invited to present in a symposium or an Organized Meeting, you should not submit your presentation online. Please email your presentation title and abstract to your symposium organizer directly.

I am considering giving a 10-minute presentation. How long will I have to present and answer questions?

Presenters should plan to speak for 10 minutes leaving 2 minutes for questions (12 minutes total).

How do I know if my submission is complete?

Your submission is considered complete once all the required information has been entered and you select the Submit button. You will receive an automatically generated email confirming your submission details.

If I start my submission and must exit out before it is completed, can I pick-up where I left off?

Yes. You may log back into the submission portal anytime between now and the submission deadline to update or complete your submission.

Once I have completed my submission, will I be able to make any edits/changes?

Yes. You will be able to access your submission through the submission portal and make any edits/changes necessary until the submission site closes on May 31, 2024.

What information is required for submission?

Submitters are required to provide a presentation title, co-authors (as applicable), and an abstract. Please note that presentation titles will not be editable after the submission deadline. However, presenters will have the ability to edit abstract text mid-August through October 15. 

Are abstracts required for submissions? What are the guidelines for preparing an abstract?

Yes. Abstracts are required for all submitted presentations and posters. Abstracts should be no more than 250 words in length and written in English. Do not include titles, authors, addresses, or keywords in the text of the abstract. Use scientific names for species and taxonomic groups. Presenters will be able to edit their abstracts from mid-August through October 15.

Will I be able to edit my abstract after the deadline? What about editing other information?

Yes. In mid-August, after the Program Committee has reviewed all submissions, presenters will receive an email with a link to access their abstract and make any necessary edits to their abstracts and keywords through October 15.

Edits to presentation titles and author information may not be edited after the initial submission deadline. Speakers must contact for title and author changes after May 31.

When will I find out whether my submission has been accepted?

Acceptance notifications will be sent by ESA staff in mid-August of this year.

When do submissions for virtual presentations open?

Entomology 2024 will feature only live, in-person sessions and presentations. Virtual or pre-recorded presentation options will not be available.

Please consider submitting to the 2025 International Branch Virtual Symposium. Submissions will open in late 2024.

I missed the regular paper and poster submission deadline, what can I do?

All submissions are due by May 31. Please email for information on late submissions.

Is funding available for presenters?

Yes and no. ESA does not provide funding or travel assistance to attendees or presenters of submitted 10-minute or poster display presentations. However, there is limited funding available for invited speakers presenting in symposia through our Program Enhancement Funds program. Symposia organizers have been provided with instructions on how to request funding for eligible speakers. 

Registrants may also apply for a Caregiver Grant to assist in offsetting extra expenses incurred by attending the Annual Meeting.

Will I have the opportunity to withdraw my presentation if I cannot attend?

Yes, all presenters are allowed to withdraw their presentation at any time. We kindly ask that we receive all cancellations by September 16, 2024 so that the program can be finalized for the presenters and attendees participating in the meeting. To withdraw your presentation, please contact the ESA Meetings Team.

Why does ESA seek presentation submissions so far in advance of the meeting?

ESA receives nearly 2,000 submissions for the Annual Meeting each year. The Program Committee meets in June to organize and schedule the program so that the full program can be available in August ahead of the early-bird registration deadline in September. 

Having an early submissions deadline provides the Program Committee with much needed time to review submissions and organize them into sessions ahead of the June meeting.

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