Applications for the Class of 2025 ESA Science Policy Fellows will be open from April 1 to June 1, 2025.
The Science Policy Fellows (SPF) program is a two-year active training program to teach entomologists the skills needed to successfully advocate for the discipline. The training focuses on federal policy in Washington, D.C. Each year five applicants are selected by a competitive application process. ESA SPFs engage in a variety of virtual and in-person educational events to teach them about how science policy and science funding decisions are made at the federal level, and to provide them an opportunity to engage with lawmakers, legislative staff, and federal agency leaders in Washington, D.C. Active training lasts for two years, at which time SPFs become alumni and form the core of ESA's advocacy team, representing the science in their legislative districts.
Typical activities for an ESA Science Policy Fellow may include:
- Attending science and policy workshops and networking events at ESA’s Annual Meeting (receive gratis registration and $500 travel stipend);
- Participating in teleconferences and webinars on federal science policy and budget development, as well as specific policy issues;
- Assisting in the development of policy statements;
- Participating in Washington, D.C.-based meetings twice a year in the spring and fall for a few days each, opportunities for hands-on experience with legislators, legislative staff, and agency leaders (all travel expenses covered by ESA).