Guiding Principles for ESA's Use of Artificial Intelligence

Effective March 21, 2024:

Preamble:  When ESA customers (to include members, non-members, staff, authors, presenters, meeting attendees, reviewers, vendors, and others who use the society’s  resources) work with or for ESA or in the development of resources to be deployed at an ESA meeting, in an ESA publication, or which otherwise would become affiliated with ESA, the Society is supportive of customers’ use of generative AI technologies (GAI), if the usage comports with these guidelines: 

  1. Ethical usage:  GAI tools are built on data which has inherent biases. Customers should ensure that their use, development, and deployment of GAI technologies remains consistent with the Society’s strategic principles, mission statement, the Code of Conduct, and other guiding rules and mores. 

  1. Personal responsibility:  All ESA customers should be solely responsible for the work that they create with GAI, including that which is supported in whole or in part by GAI. Any errors, biases, or ethical lapses are fully attributable to the member, who may be held liable for any code of conduct violations or other ethical breaches.  

  2. Transparency:  Beyond an inconsequential use, all ESA customers should divulge when GAI technologies were used in creating any work. Depending on the level of usage and the intended audience, this may range from a periodic declaration (e.g., in an email footer); to declarations or footnotes in a report or scientific presentation; to giving full credit as needed.

  3. Privacy and data security:  Members and other stakeholders are reminded that (a) GAI tools are built on massive amounts of data, some of which may be copyrighted, and (b) the use of GAI tools introduces new content through user prompts. When working with ESA, at no time should a member use GAI tools in such a way that any individuals’ personally identifiable information is disclosed without the expressed and written consent of those individuals. 

  4. Ongoing monitoring and tracking:  Whereas these tools are new and evolving, it is understood that their use will be monitored, and these policies may be subject to change with little notice. It is recommended that ESA develop a task force or other organized group of customers to help develop and monitor societal policies.