David Ragsdale earned MS and PhD degrees in Entomology from Louisiana State University. He joined the Entomology Department at the University of Minnesota in July 1981 and rose to the rank of Full Professor. Dr. Ragsdale moved to Texas A&M University as Professor and Head of the Department of Entomology in October 2010.
His research focus is vector ecology with an emphasis on aphid-transmitted plant viruses. His most recent work centered on the management of the invasive soybean aphid. His lab worked on developing an economic threshold for soybean aphid, classical biological control, fungal pathogens associated with soybean aphid, and on host plant resistance. In addition, he has collaborated broadly with scientists involved in using insects to control invasive perennial weeds.
Dr. Ragsdale and his 26 students who earned advanced degrees in his lab, have published 91 peer-reviewed articles including 17 book chapters. Dr. Ragsdale held several positions within the North Central Branch (NCB) of the Entomological Society of America (ESA) as well as holding leadership positions within ESA.
From 1998-2001 he was appointed to the ESA Strategic Planning Committee, was elected Secretary for Subsection Cc, Insect Vectors of Plant Pathogens, and served as the subsection President in 2000. In March 2000, Dr. Ragsdale was co-chair of the NCB Program Committee (with R. D. Moon) and was appointed as a Membership Committee representative of the former Section C which he chaired in 2003. He was elected twice as the NCB Secretary Treasurer where he served from 2007-2011.