Program Symposia
Mountain Pine Beetle: History, Ecology, and Management in the Black Hills
Organizers: John Ball and Jose Negron
Sunday afternoon (June 16)
Innovation in Research and Extension in Wheat IPM
Organizers: Jeff Bradshaw and Gary Hein
Monday afternoon (June 17)
Insect Behavior
Organizer: Daniel Howard
Monday afternoon (June 17)
Communicating Research to the Public: Strategies Then, Now, and for the Future
Organizer: Amanda Bachmann
Tuesday morning (June 18)
Revolutionizing IPM: Novel Pest Control Strategies for a Changing World
Organizer: Mitchell Stamm
Tuesday morning (June 18)
IRM – the Road to Resistance is Paved with Good Intentions
Organizer: Clinton Pilcher
Tuesday morning (June 18)
Shut Your Trap: Quantifying Biocontrol Services
Organizers: Matt Grieshop and Mary Gardiner
Tuesday afternoon (June 18)
Spider Mite Management in the North Central US
Organizers: Thelma Heidel-Baker and Erin Hodgson
Tuesday afternoon (June 18)