Dr. Sonny B. Ramaswamy received his M.S. in entomology from the University of Agricultural Sciences in Bangalore, India (1976) and his Ph.D. in entomology from Rutgers University (1980). He was a postdoctoral researcher at Michigan State University (1979-82); an assistant, associate, and full professor at Mississippi State University (1982-97); and professor, university distinguished professor and head of the Kansas State University (KSU), Department of Entomology (1997-2004). At KSU, he administers a department of approximately 20 regular, 15 adjunct, and 10 ancillary faculty.
Ramaswamy directs an active personal research program in the integrative reproductive biology of insects, encompassing endocrine and ovarian physiology, chemical ecology, pheromones and sexual behavior and their regulation by hormones, structure and function of sensory receptors as related to host finding and mating in insects, and modification of insect behavior using natural products. He has published more than 100 journal papers, and in recent years, has published on average more than five refereed papers annually.
A fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Ramaswamy has taught courses in general entomology, insect physiology, and even public speaking. He also initiated and manages the Insect Physiology Listserve. In education and outreach, he was instrumental in the creation of and fund-raising for the KSU Butterfly Conservatory and Insect Zoo.
(updated September, 2005)