Revitalizing ESA's Regional Member Engagement
From early 2021 through late 2022, the Entomological Society of America engaged in a process of reexamining its geographic Branch structure, seeking new and innovative ways to engage members on a regional basis. The Society's Branch structure dates back more than a century and, in light of the normalization of online meetings, impacts on travel, and even the changing demographics of ESA members, the Governing Board felt the time had come to ensure that member needs were being met regionally.
Most members were introduced to the Branch Evolution Project in early 2022 with a report from the Governing Board, which presented 10 thought-starting ideas on Branch innovation. Member feedback was sought during the course of the year via an online survey, town halls at the 2022 Branch Meetings, and online visits with 2022 President Jessica Ware and other leaders. After a year of listening and learning, the Board decided to conclude the project in November 2022 and issue a report to the membership. Read about the Board's findings in "Branch Empowerment: A report from the Governing Board to Branch Leadership and the Society’s members."