This award is given to one graduate student from the Southwestern Branch to promote interest in entomology at the graduate level and to stimulate interest in attending the fall/winter ESA Annual Meeting. The winner of the will be recognized at the Southwestern Branch Meeting and will receive an all-expenses-paid trip to the ESA Annual Meeting, a $100 cash prize, and a certificate. Expenses paid include reimbursed airfare, free hotel arrangements, free meeting registration, and a per diem allowance.
Nomination Requirements
Previous Winners
Submit a Nomination
- Application for Society membership (student or active) must have been made prior to January 1 of the year the Award is made. An active member returning for graduate study is not eligible.
- The applicant must be enrolled as a graduate student at least half-time and in graduate school at the time of (or have completed the degree within the last 12 months preceding) the presentation of the Award.
- The applicant must be pursuing a course leading to a graduate degree.
Nomination Requirements
Nomination packages should include:
- Statement of nominee’s interests and goals in entomology (strictly limited to two pages double spaced)
- Description of significant awards and achievements (strictly limited to two pages double spaced)
- Vitae with:
- Awards and achievements
- Publications (limited to published or in-press submissions)
- Other citable professional activities
- List of oral and poster presentations at professional meetings.
- Nomination letter and two additional letters of support from professional references all-inclusive in one document [PDF]
- Photograph of the nominee (as a digital image file [JPG]) as well as a short bio for the program
Nomination packages must be submitted online via the award nomination website by Monday January 15 (11:59 PM EST). This deadline refers to receipt by the Awards Administrator of a complete package in a readable format.