FIT Section Programs and Resources

Get involved in the Formal & Informal Teaching (FIT) Section (a “pilot” Section of ESA launched in late 2023) through the events below. Check this page for updates as new programs, events, and resources are added in 2024 and beyond. 

FIT Art Contest

The Formal and Informal Pilot Section of the Entomological Society of America is holding a design contest! 

The first place winner will receive $300 and second place will receive $150 and the third place winner will receive $50. The winner's design will be used on FIT handouts and promotional materials at the Annual Meeting. Be creative and capture the role of the section in communicating about insects and related arthropods. 

The deadline is October 25 at 12:00 p.m. ET. Please email W. Wyatt Hoback with your final design or any questions. Files too large to attach can be sent as Google Drive links.

Contest criteria:

  • Anyone, regardless of ESA membership status or the Section is eligible to participate;
  • The design must be suitable for stickers, baseball caps, t-shirts, and tote bags;
  • Limit the design to 5 colors or less: please limit to neutrals (e.g., white, black, grey) and the ESA color palette;
  • Use ESA's official font, Nunito Sans;
  • Design must include the words "Formal and Informal Teaching" or "FIT" and "ESA;"
  • Design should incorporate topics relevant to the Section (teaching, outreach, science communication)
  • A short paragraph (3-6 sentences) should be included with the design to explain your logo.
  • Limit, one entry per person

Entomology 2024 

Join your colleagues at Entomology 2024, November 10-13, in Phoenix, Arizona, and find a variety of programs relevant for FIT Section members.

Lesson Hive 

The Lesson Hive offers an organized inventory of high-quality, entomology-related lesson plans for K-12 classrooms. Developed by entomologists with support of the ESA Education & Outreach Committee. Explore the Lesson Hive.

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