Incoming P-IE Representative to the Journal of Economic Entomology Editorial Board
Dr. Jarrad Prasifka is a research entomologist with the USDA-ARS Sunflower and Plant Biology Research Unit in Fargo, North Dakota. He earned his BS degree in zoology at The University of Texas at Austin, followed by a PhD in entomology at Texas A&M University. Prior to starting his current position in 2011, Dr. Prasifka worked on evaluating potential non-target effects of Bt crops with USDA-ARS in Ames, Iowa, and explored insect pests of perennial biomass feedstocks at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Dr. Prasifka’s current research is focused on insect-crop interactions in sunflowers. This work primarily includes screening sunflower germplasm for variation in physical and chemical traits that contribute to host plant resistance, with the ultimate goal of releasing insect-resistant germplasm that can be used in marker-assisted selection in sunflower breeding programs. A secondary aim of Dr. Prasifka’s research is to better understand sunflower-pollinator interactions to improve profitability of sunflower production. Dr. Prasifka’s past service activities for ESA include the Student Affairs Committee, moderating and judging student competitions in branch and national meetings. Dr. Prasifka currently serves as the Editorial Board Chair for the Journal of Economic Entomology, Professional Awards Committee Chair for the ESA-NCB, and an Associate Editor for Environmental Entomology.