Incoming P-IE Section Treasurer
Lily Calderwood received her Ph.D. from the University of Vermont in 2015 and now works for Cornell Cooperative Extension in the Albany area. Her doctorate work focused on IPM tools used to manage hop (Humulus lupulus) arthropod pests in the northeast. She evaluated the effect of drive row ground covers on pest and natural enemy abundance in addition to measuring hop photosynthetic reduction in response to potato leafhopper (Empoasca fabae) feeding. She has begun developing habitat management tactics for potato leafhopper with hop growers and continues to study the movement of this pest in the landscape. Passionate about ecological and economical pest management, she helps commercial greenhouse and high tunnel growers get started with biocontrol. She is also currently identifying economically damaging pests of commercial cut-flowers, lavender, and mint in Eastern New York. Lily's research interests include plant-insect interactions, habitat management, IPM, chemical ecology, trichome chemistry, and insect feeding preference.